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We, Gerard Gannon Properties, intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for a 10 year permission for a strategic housing development at lands at Belcamp Hall (Protected Structure), Malahide Road (R107), the R107/R123 junction, Carr’s Lane, and R139 Road, Belcamp, Dublin 17. The lands are internally bounded by the protected structures and associated curtilage, and the new emerging residential development of Belcamp which is partly occupied and under construction.


The development will consist of the construction of a mixed-use development comprising of 2527 no. residential units (473 no. houses, 1780 no. apartments, and 274 no. duplex units) of which 1969 no. units are residential and 558 no. apartment units are ‘build-to-rent’ residential, ancillary residential amenity facilites, 2 no. childcare facilities, 1 no. sports changing facilities building, 18 no. retail units and 3 no. cafés/restaurants, all of which will be provided as follows:

  • 473 no. residential houses (16 no. 2 bed houses, 385 no. 3 bed houses, and 72 no. 4 bed houses) semi-detached, end-terraced, and mid-terraced houses ranging from two to three storey in height;

  • Duplex Block 1.1 containing a total of 18 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units, and 6 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store and bin store at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court;

  • Duplex Block 1.2 containing a total of 18 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units, and 6 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store and bin store at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court;

  • Duplex Block 1.3 containing a total of 18 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units, and 6 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store and bin store at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court;

  • Duplex Block 1.4 containing a total of 18 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units, and 6 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store and bin store at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court;

  • Duplex Block 1.5 containing a total of 18 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units, and 6 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store and bin store at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court;

  • Duplex Block 2.1 containing a total of 8 no. units comprising of 8 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south elevations; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking; and bicycle parking;

  • Duplex Block 2.2 containing a total of 16 no. units comprising of 16 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to west elevation; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Duplex Block 2.3 containing a total of 16 no. units comprising of 16 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to east elevation; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Duplex Block 2.4 containing a total of 8 no. units comprising of 8 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to west elevation; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking (Duplex Block 2.4 is adjoined to Duplex Block 2.5 via single storey bike store);

  • Duplex Block 2.5 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 12 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south-west elevation; internal bike store; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking within the shared parking court and bicycle spaces, (Duplex Block 2.5 is adjoined to Duplex Block 2.4 via single storey bike store);

  • Duplex Block 2.6 containing a total of 16 no. units comprising of 16 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south elevation; separate single storey bike store and bin store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Duplex Block 3.1 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 12 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; separate single storey bike store and bin store; on-street car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Duplex Block 3.2 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 12 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Blocks 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are all adjoined via single storey bike stores);

  • Duplex Block 3.3 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 2 no. 1 bed units and 10 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Blocks 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are all adjoined via single storey bike stores);

  • Duplex Block 3.4 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 2 no. 1 bed units and 10 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Blocks 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are all adjoined via single storey bike stores);

  • Duplex Block 3.5 containing a total of 12 no. units comprising of 12 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north and south elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Blocks 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are all adjoined via single storey bike stores);

  • Duplex Block 3.6 containing a total of 16 no. units comprising of 16 no. 3 bed units, in a building four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to east and west elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the parking court; and bicycle spaces;

  • Duplex Block 3.7 containing a total of 16 no. units comprising of 16 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to east and west elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces;

  • Duplex Block 3.8 containing a total of 8 no. units comprising of 8 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to east and west elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Block 3.8 is adjoined to Duplex Block 3.9 via single storey bike store);

  • Duplex Block 3.9 containing a total of 8 no. units comprising of 8 no. 3 bed units, in a building one to four storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces to north-east and south-west elevations; internal bike store; access to shared single storey bin store and bike store; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle spaces (Duplex Block 3.9 is adjoined to Duplex Block 3.8 via single storey bike store);

  • Apartment Block A containing a total of 23 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units and 15 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building four storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores and bin stores at ground floor level; on-street car parking; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block B containing a total of 23 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units and 15 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building four storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores and bin stores at ground floor level; on-street car parking; car parking within a parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block C containing a total of 27 no. units comprising of 7 no. 1 bed units and 20 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building four storeys in height, with internal bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; car parking within a parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block D is a mixed-use building containing a total of 42 no. units comprising of 22 no. 1 bed units, 15 no. 2 bed units and 5 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building three to five storeys in height, 1 no. café/restaurant unit and 7 no. retail units at ground floor level with associated signage; bin stores, bike stores and plant room at ground floor level; communal roof garden and ancillary residential amenity facilities including community rooms and communal work pods, all at penthouse level; on-street car parking; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block F is a mixed-use building containing a total of 103 no. units comprising of 44 no. 1 bed units, 56 no. 2 bed units and 3 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to five storeys over basement in height, 1 no. café/restaurant unit and 5 no. retail units at ground floor level with associated signage; undercroft car parking below landscaped podium; bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; a basement with car parking, bin stores and plant room; on-street car parking; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block G is a mixed-use building containing a total of 65 no. units comprising of 29 no. 1 bed units and 36 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building one to five storeys in height, with internal bin stores, bike stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; 1 no. retail unit at ground floor level with associated signage; communal roof garden at fourth floor level; undercroft car parking below landscaped podium; bin stores and bike stores; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block H containing a total of 46 no. units comprising of 20 no. 1 bed units and 26 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building five storeys in height, with internal bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; undercroft car parking; on-street car parking; car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block J containing a total of 40 no. units comprising of 16 no. 1 bed units and 24 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building five storeys in height, with internal bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; 4 no. retail units at ground floor level with associated signage; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block L containing a total of 46 no. units comprising of 20 no. 1 bed units and 26 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building five storeys in height, with internal bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; undercroft car parking; on-street car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block M containing a total of 56 no. units comprising of 24 no. 1 bed units and 32 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building six storeys in height, with internal bin stores and bike stores at ground floor level; undercroft car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block N containing a total of 56 no. units comprising of 26 no. 1 bed units, 25 no. 2 beds, and 5 no. 3 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to south, east and west elevations, in a building five storeys in height, with internal bin stores, bike stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; on-street car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block P containing a total of 23 no. units comprising of 5 no. 1 bed units and 18 no. 2 beds, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building five storeys in height, with internal bin stores, bike stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; on-street car parking and car parking within the shared parking court; and bicycle parking;

  • 1 no. childcare facility in a two-storey building, with associated outdoor play area, car parking and drop-off/visitor parking, bicycle parking, and bin stores;

  • 1 no. single storey sports changing facilities building with associated car parking and bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block 1 is ‘built-to-rent’ residential containing a total of 273 no. units comprising of 94 no. 1 bed units, 139 no. 2 beds, and 40 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to nine storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground floor level including gym and amenity rooms; car parking within the undercroft car park below landscaped podium;

  • Apartment Block 2 containing a total of 160 no. units comprising of 71 no. 1 bed units, 73 no. 2 beds, and 16 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to nine storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground and first floor levels including multi-function room and communal rooms; and car parking within the undercroft car park below landscaped podium;

  • Apartment Block 3 is a mixed-use building containing a total of 297 no. units comprising of 96 no. 1 bed units, 176 no. 2 beds, and 25 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to nine storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground floor level including amenity room; 1 no. childcare facility over ground and first floor level with outdoor play area at ground floor level with associated signage; 1 no. retail unit and 1 no. café/restaurant at ground floor level adjoining urban plaza, with associated signage; car parking within the undercroft car park below landscaped podium; and public bicycle parking at ground floor level;

  • Apartment Block 4 is ‘built-to-rent’ residential containing a total of 285 no. units comprising of 70 no. 1 bed units, 178 no. 2 beds, and 37 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to nine storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground and first floor levels including cinema room, gym, multi-purpose/amenity rooms; ESB sub-station at first floor level; car parking within the undercroft car park below landscaped podium, and on-street bicycle parking;

  • Apartment Block 5 containing a total of 96 no. units comprising of 37 no. 1 bed units, 51 no. 2 beds, and 8 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to eight storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground floor level including multi-function room; car parking within the undercroft car park below landscaped podium;

  • Apartment Block 6 containing a total of 119 no. units comprising of 19 no. 1 bed units, 80 no. 2 beds, and 20 no. 3 bed units, with all units provided with private balconies/terraces to all elevations, in a building one to nine storeys in height, with internal bicycle stores, bin stores and plant rooms at ground floor level; ESB sub-station at ground floor level; ancillary residential amenity facilities at ground and first floor levels including amenity rooms; car parking within the undercroft car park and on-street, and bicycle parking.

The development will provide for a total of 2225 no. car parking spaces and a total of 5394 no. bicycle spaces within the scheme; new vehicular access onto Malahide Road (R107) and associated upgrade works including works to the R107/R123 junction (these upgrade works to the R107/R123 junction include the closing of the existing Belcamp Manor vehicular access off Malahide Road and the provision of a new vehicular access to Belcamp Manor via the proposed East West Link Road [EWLR]); provision of East West Link Road (EWLR) from Malahide Road including bus stops, bus terminus and on-street car parking; provision of north south road including on-street car parking with drop-off/visitor parking serving the childcare facility; 3 no. new vehicular accesses onto the R139 road which includes 1 no. Bus Gate and signalised junctions including toucan crossings, footpaths and cycle paths; upgrades to public realm including footpaths and cycle paths with links to Malahide Road (R107) and adjoining lands/developments, and works to repair with additional safety measures to the existing Mayne River lakes, weirs, culverts and crossings (bridges and causeways); additional Mayne River crossings (bridges and causeways) for vehicular and pedestrian/cycle access; ESBN infrastructure works to cables and masts; new pedestrian/cycle access to Carr’s Lane; landscaping including play equipment, MUGA, 3 no. pieces of public art, boundary treatments, playing pitches, pocket parks, and urban plazas; public lighting; proposed reserved school site; and all associated engineering and site works necessary to facilitate the development.

The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023, the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 and the Clongriffin-Belmayne Local Area Plan 2012-2018 (extended until December 2022).

The application contains a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.

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